ISO Rating

Insurance Services Organization (ISO) Rating for the Hondo Volunteer Fire District (4/10): ISO collects information (such as nearest water supply, fire station, station staffing, number of personnel, number and type of fire trucks, pumping capacity, emergency communications, etc.) on municipal fire-protection efforts in communities throughout the United States. Based on the information a numerical rating is given to the area which is used by insurance companies to determine premiums.

Hondo Volunteer Fire & Rescue receives an overall score of 4, on a scale where 10 is the lowest (does not meet minimum standards) and 1, the highest score, is awarded only very rarely.

Some insurance companies use ISO ratings to determine a home owner’s annual premiums. Your support of Hondo Fire & Rescue helps us to train, retain and equip our personnel to the highest standards and reduce your costs. Some things, like how far you live from a hydrant, are beyond our control. And emergency activities like patient extrication from vehicular accidents, which we train for, as not included in the ISO rating system. But we will do our personal best to make sure we have up-to-date apparatus and volunteers prepared to the top of their ability, whatever your needs.